Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Starting A Business In Belize

One of the opportunities in Belize retirement is the chance of owning a business with a bigger chance of success. It does not matter if the business is small or large, the important thing is that it will prosper. Many retirees have found their contentment in Belize due to the wonder of its nature and the endless opportunities to make money. Being able to own a business in Belize may be the most rewarding experience any retiree can experience.

Requirement Needed

Just like any other countries, future business owners need to pass the legal requirement in Belize. The good thing about it is that the process is easier than other countries. Basically, the retirees would want to obtain a business permit and this could be done by consulting the local authorities. As per the requirement of BELTRAIDE, the non-residents of Belize are not allowed to own a business if it is not registered in the Companies Act. The whole process will take about 40 days, depending on how fast the requirements are supplied. The process is as follows:

·         Looking for the best location to operate the business
·         Registering the business to Belize
·         Application for trade license
·         Obtaining a work permit
·         Obtaining a social security identification
·         Registering for general sales tax
·         Obtaining legal documents for business tax
·         Receiving the business tax identification number

Most retirees are able to complete these for less than a month and the business can be operated right away. While processing the legal documents, it is ideal to explore the whole country itself. Business planning is essential to ensure that the business is going to be a success.

Retirement in Belize also is not limited to opening a business. Of course, while planning a business, one can get hold of the magnificent places that this country has to offer. A visit or two of the natural rainforest and the marine life will further cause an appreciation of how good it is to consider Belize retirement.

Belize retirement surely has many opportunities to offer. Be sure to make an ocular inspection today. While you are at it, experience the beauty that this country has. Visit http://retireinbelize.org/.

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